Operation Round Up

Operation Round Up is a community service program that provides funding for charitable and benevolent purposes for individual, families, and organizations in our community. It allows Holmes-Wayne Electric members the opportunity to make a big impact on many lives for just pennies! This program has been, and continues to be, adopted by hundreds of electric cooperatives throughout the country, and it "rounds up" your monthly bill to the next highest dollar. So, a $64.79 electric bill would be $65.00 with the remaining $0.21 cents going to the Operation Round Up program. For the average customer, that equates to about $0.50 cents a month or about $6.00 per year. Any money going to Operating Round Up is tax deductibl

In January 2006, Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative started the Operation Round Up Program. In it's first ten years, the members of Holmes-Wayne Electric distributed over $450,000 to individuals, families, and organizations. Any undistributed funds are held in an interest-bearing account to be used for future requests and emergencies.  Please watch for updates in Ohio Cooperative Living Magazine, on your bill, on our website, and Facebook for more information. We thank you for participation in this important community program and applaud your efforts to help make our community a better place to live for our children, families, neighbors, and friends. 

Funding may be used to provide shelter and clothing to a family devastated by a fire, or it might go toward helping defray the medical costs of a neighbor with a catastrophic illness. Funds may also help the fire department obtain critical lifesaving equipment, or to rescue organizations, food banks, educational projects, and many, many others. 

2023 Distribution List

Operation Round Up is managed by the Holmes-Wayne Electric Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization. The Foundation is governed by a five member board. The board is comprised of one HWEC board member, one HWEC employee, and three leaders of our community that volunteer their time and skill to help manage this important program.

Your pennies, nickels, and dimes can help raise thousands of dollars a year that will be used to help people right here in your community. Catastrophic illness or tragedy can strike anyone anywhere at any time. Wouldn't it be wonderful to help our neighbors when they need it most? You can be a part of that for just pennies a month. 

As an HWEC member, you have the opportunity to enroll in the program. Members can opt in or out at any time. The success of the program depends upon your participation and we hope you will believe in the values of this program as much as we do.

If you wish to opt out/discontinue please contact our Member Service Department at 330-674-1055 or toll free at 866-674-1055.

ORU Board

Jonathan Berger, Vice President;  Matt Johnson; Dan Mathie, President
Michelle Wood, Secretary and Glenn Miller